Relax, Nothing is Under Control Print | Inspirational Art | Wall Art | Lettering Art | Motivational Art | Botanical Art Print

Relax, Nothing is Under Control Print | Inspirational Art | Wall Art | Lettering Art | Motivational Art | Botanical Art Print

from $18.00
Funny story about this one. I spent a couple hours working on it, and all of a sudden, my iPad died. Out of the blue, two years old--DEAD. And of course I hadn’t backed it up.

Cue the overwhelm and frustration. The narrative in my head started running about all the time I lost on this piece, how it was probably 75% finished and I had to start completely over.

✨But here’s where the magic happened: I heard myself ask: “What if I shift into the belief that the next version is going to come through quicker and EVEN BETTER than the last? What if I release the negativity all together, turn towards joy, and fully TRUST my Creative Self?”

And as the thought passed through, I felt a full body ✨YES✨(goosebumps from head to toe).


It came through fast and fully formed, even as I recovered from Covid, and I’m obsessed with how it came out. The illustration + lettering puzzle was unlocked easily and joyfully, allowing it to indeed come through quicker and 100x better

And what started as a commissioned birthday gift, is now a print here in the shop as this saying seems to be resonating with more people than I expected. We've all been through so much these last few years and "it's that the truth" is the answer I get every. single. time.

So grab one for yourself or someone you love that needs a reminder to loosen their grip.
Offered in a beautiful black with warm reds or a delicious green.

I personally sign each print before shipping, sealing in all the juicy vibes from me to you.

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