You Are Doing a Great Job Print | Inspirational Art | Wall Art | Lettering Art | Motivational Art

You Are Doing a Great Job Print | Inspirational Art | Wall Art | Lettering Art | Motivational Art

from $18.00
One day, I was listening to a podcast, and I heard the host say “I just wanted to tell you, in case you haven’t heard it lately-- you are doing a great job.”

My love language is words of affirmation, and as soon as she spoke the words, I burst into tears. I had just walked through 4 heartbreaking years of my dad’s liver failure (and subsequent successful transplant!), moving my family from our home in Rhode Island and setting up a whole new life in Philly, and learning and growing creatively more than ever before. I had two very little boys at the time and being a military wife is no joke. I WAS doing a great job and clearly hearing that unlocked a part of me that i didn’t know needed love.

I felt an overwhelming urge to create a piece of artwork that could serve as a visual reminder for me (and you!) and although it took me many tries over a few years to crack the lettering puzzle, I am so very happy to set this baby into the world.

We are all trying so hard to live with intention, to love with open hearts, and to leave this world a better place. And it feels so good to be seen, doesn’t it?!

This print is perfect for the mama in your life holding up the sky for everyone, for the person navigating a challenging life event, or the teacher doing so much more than should be required of any educator.

I personally sign each print before shipping, sealing in all the juicy vibes from me to you.


PS- Find my Triangles Art Print here:
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